Bearcat Bands
Your gift supports Bearcat Bands

The Bearcat Bands provide access to musical excellence and create an educated, informed citizenry deeply connected to their humanity. Ensembles include the 270-member spirit band program (Marching Band and multiple Basketball Bands), multiple Concert Bands, Jazz Ensembles, and more. Our vision is for the University of Cincinnati to be the most musical campus in the United States.


Cause Leader Board
Which cause has received the most gifts?
Rank Fund Designation Gifts
1 Bearcats Pantry 158
2 UC Fund for Scholarships 153
3 One Team Excellence Fund 148
4 AACRC Discretionary Fund 129
5 Bearcat Bands 120
Cause Leader Board
Which cause has received the most dollars?
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 One Team Excellence Fund $9,030.00
2 IvaDean Medical Student Scholarship Fund $8,810.00
3 UC Fund for Scholarships $8,659.19
4 Bearcat Bands $7,650.00
5 Lindner College of Business Annual Fund $7,200.00
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