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Fund Leaderboard Challenge
The top three funds with the most gifts will receive additional funds. 1st Place - $1,500 2nd Pace - $750 3rd Place - $500
Rank Prize Fund Designation Gifts
1 $1,500 UC Fund for Business 222
2 $750 The Charge into the Next Century Instrument Fund 191
3 $500 UC Fund for Engineering and Applied Science 159
4 President's Transformation Fund 132
5 Bearcats Pantry 123
#ThrowbackThursday Challenge
Use #ThrowbackThursday and #BearcatsGive and share your #TBT UC photos on Facebook. We'll pick one winner and give $250 to the UC fund of their choice!
Unlock the Wallpapers Challenge
If we get 1,200 gifts for UC Day of Giving, we'll unlock a specialty phone background and desktop wallpaper!
Unlock the UC Band
Want to see the UC band perform LIVE today on Facebook? Once we reach 1,819 gifts tune into Facebook to see a special performance!
All-Nighter Challenge
The fund that receives the most gifts overnight (10 p.m.-6 a.m.) will receive an additional $1000.
Rank Prize Fund Designation Gifts
1 $1,000 The Charge into the Next Century Instrument Fund 38
2 Bearcats Pantry 5
3 Lindner College of Business Scholarship Fund 4
4 UC Fund for Engineering and Applied Science 4
5 The Construction Industry Inclusive Excellence Fund 3
The Final Countdown Challenge
The fund that receives the most gifts during the last hour of UC Day of Giving on Friday will receive an additional $1,500.
Rank Prize Fund Designation Gifts
1 $1,500 The Charge into the Next Century Instrument Fund 76
2 Annual Fund for CCM 10
3 Lindner College of Business Scholarship Fund 9
4 UC Fund For Scholarships 8
5 CCM Scholarship Fund 7
Kickoff Challenge
The fund that receives the most gifts in the first hour of UC Day of Giving on Thursday will receive an additional $1,000.
Rank Prize Fund Designation Gifts
1 $1,000 The Charge into the Next Century Instrument Fund 20
2 Bearcats Pantry 14
3 UC Fund for Business 10
4 CEAS Alumni Scholarship 9
5 Arts and Sciences Dean's Discretionary Fund 6
Unlock the Stickers Challenge
Help us unlock some special UC gifs! When we reach 1,100 gifts, the stickers will be published for all Bearcats to use!
1819 Challenge
The 1819th gift will receive an additional $500 dollars to that fund.
Boldly Bearcat Challenge
The fund that receives the most dollars between 5-6 p.m. on Thursday will receive an additional $1000.
Rank Prize Fund Designation Gifts
1 $1,000 The Dr. Greer L. Glazer Diversity Scholarship Fund 7
2 Clermont Bearcats Pantry 5
3 Robert Probst Scholarship Fund 4
4 Lindner College of Business Scholarship Fund 4
5 Sauls Stay in School Fund 4
Tower of Strength Challenge
The fund that receives the most dollars between 10-11 a.m. on Friday will receive an additional $1000.
Rank Prize Fund Designation Gifts
1 $1,000 The Charge into the Next Century Instrument Fund 16
2 Dance Team Development Fund 15
3 Bearcats Pantry 15
4 UC Fund for Business 9
5 Lucy Oxley, MD, African American Medical Student Scholarship Endowment Fund 8
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Or you can contact us at annual.giving@foundation.uc.edu.