UC Day of Giving is about the power of people coming together to make an impact. In addition to your gift, you can help by becoming an ambassador. Like influencers, our ambassadors are important because they help spread the word using #BearcatsGive on social media and encouraging others to give.
NEW THIS YEAR: Make your UC Day of Giving gift and inspire at least seven additional unique donors* to give through your personal referral link, and we’ll send you a custom gift in appreciation of your stellar ambassadorship!
Plus, for each gift made through your ambassador referral link, you'll receive one entry into a drawing to win a UC Yeti Cooler (valued at $375)**.
To be eligible for these incentives, you must sign up and validate your ambassadorship and use your custom URL to track gifts. Past ambassadors must sign up again this year.
*Unique donor: Any additional individual who makes a gift outside of your household. One exception will be made for one gift made by a spouse/partner/significant other with the same address, if applicable.
**University of Cincinnati Foundation employees are not eligible to win the UC Yeti Cooler.