The The Patrice N. Barnes Legacy Scholarship is a newly created scholarship for students in the College of Arts and Sciences. This scholarship serves as an emergency fund for first-generation students. Patrice is igniting passion and urgency amongst our UC alumni community.
Gifts to the Patrice N. Barnes Legacy Scholarship will provide support to deserving College of Arts and Sciences students that have financial need.
Why Patrice Barnes '11 created her Legacy Scholarship:
"The creation of this emergency fund coincides with my own personal experience of being a Black woman, first generation, lower income student in A&S and struggling to pay tuition my freshman year – in fact, I withdrew from classes due to my inability to pay. I had a balance of approximately $2,500 and worked two jobs over the course of almost two years to pay off the balance and return to campus. The day I withdrew from classes was one of great sadness and uncertainty – I recognized higher education as the transport from my life of in-access to one of healthy resources and saw my window of opportunity close right before my eyes. Although I hoped I’d be successful in my pursuit of education, I was uncertain about my ability to return. I promised myself that cold winter morning in 2005 as I exited One Stop financial aid that if I ever made it- I would do everything in my power to create a funding source to ensure that this wouldn’t happen to anyone else. With great enthusiasm, I’m returning to make good on that promise."
UC and UC Health employees can give via payroll deduction today!
Rank | State | Gifts |
1 | OH | 13 |
2 | CA | 2 |
3 | NY | 1 |